Since I've been isolated with the Punky for so long and have been totally deprived of social interaction, my bitch juices are backlogged like milk in the boobs in the morning. I feel like I'm going to burst. I can't stand the niceness for this long. I have no reason to bitch at A, and there really is no point in being a bitch to Punky (plus she is just far too cute). I need -- NEED!!!! -- to be a bitch to somebody or I'm going to explode. Entrails on the wall, blood you still see with a black light years later, explode.
So I've decided to turn my sights on the neighbors. Again. Not just because I figure it might light a fire up under A's ass in the house hunting (I'm not allowed to do the primary online house hunting because I just pick out expensive houses I think are pretty), but because they genuinely piss me off. We won't even get into the ongoing battle with Crazy Cat Guy across the street. That one's reaching a fevered pitch, but that's more A's battle than mine. No, today I focused on Kidney Boy next door. Again.
On top of listening to his death metal music loud enough to wake up Punky from her deepest naptimes, Kidney Boy's girlfriend is home from college, which means she's over at his house all the time. Hey, whatever, that's cool, I was a crazy kid once, too. What pisses the SHIT out of me though is the fact that she parks in front of our house. Our driveway is only wide enough for one car, and unless the timing is just right, and I'm home before A and can park my car in front of his, I have to park out in front of the house. Otherwise I have to drag myself out of bed in the morning to move my car when he leaves for work
So it's just a little annoying to have to park a couple houses down when she decides to park in front of our house. It means I have to walk a couple hundred feet to my car with Punky in a carrier (and that's a good 20 lbs. at this point, by the time you add up baby and carrier weight) if/when I come and go. And this chick NEVER. FREAKING. LEAVES. I don't know how she can stand to be there. It's a little house -- smaller than ours, and I get claustrophobic with it just being me and A here -- and Kidney Boy lives there with his mom and grandmother. I'd be wanting to get out of there as much as possible. Not bringing in girlfriend to crash all the time, and oh yeah, PISS THE SHIT OUT OF THE NEIGHBORS BY PARKING IN FRONT OF THEIR HOUSE!!!
So the set-up today was as follows: A is parked in the driveway. Kidney Boy's mom is parked in their driveway. Kidney Boy is parking on the street in front of their house. Girlfriend's piece of shit car is parking in front of our house. I was parked down the street a little more. When I left to run an errand, I saw Kidney Boy leaving in his car as well (with Girlfriend with him). So I actually went out of my way on my errand to get home as soon as possible, just so I could park in front of Kidney Boy's house.
Why? Because fuck him, that's why.
I am totally aware of how petty it is. Trust me, that little voice of reason that I usually ignore is screaming at me that this is petty and I should focus my attention on the Crazy Cat Guy war (and that's a WHOLE 'nother post). But at the same time... it feels good to just be an asshole sometimes.
6 hours ago
I hear you! That can be so vexing. Our neighbors are really nice and there is nothing wrong with them, but just the sight of their car in front of our house is enough to give Hub-D an aneurism.
So, what was the aftermath? Where did Kidney Boy park? Did they take retribution against your car?
It would be a shame if her POS car were to have a leaky valve stem, eh?
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