Saturday, April 26, 2008

...and stay off my lawn!

When did I become the crazy hermit lady yelling at hooligans? Seriously -- when in the hell did this happen?

A and I live in the heart of the "city," meaning, we don't have much of a yard. Well, we do, it's just deep rather than wide. I can reach out our bedroom window and practically touch the neighbor's house. The side of the house where our bedroom and The Punky's room are borders the next-door neighbor's driveway. Which is quite funny, sometimes, such as last summer when we'd leave the windows open and I'm sure the neighbors heard a few bouts of afternoon delight.

The neighbors have a son who's actually my age, 22. A and I call him Kidney Boy because he has a bumper sticker on his car about being a kidney transplant recipient. He's weird. Not because he's Kidney Boy, but just because he is. I've caught him peeking around their garage when I'm mowing the lawn, which is just creepy and weird. To add to the weirdness, he likes to drive his car with his music cranked as loud as his little factory speakers will allow -- usually death metal. This was just mildly annoying when it was just me and A here. However, now he pulls into the driveway with the death metal blaring feet away from slumbering Punky. Which have I mentioned it takes me FOREVER to get her to sleep in her crib?

I just want to step out onto the porch and shake my fist angrily at him and yell at him to turn that racket down. When did I become that person?

Oh yeah. When I became so totally sleep-deprived that I savor -- SAVOR!!! -- any opportunity I have for a nap. I'm not just tired. I'm not just kinda cranky. I am at the point where FOR THE LOVE OF SWEET FREAKING TAP-DANCING CHRIST LET ME HAVE MY DAMN NAP...haha, hahahaha, heeeeeeeeee!

Damn kids. And next time his Frisbee comes into our yard, I'm keeping that, too.


SK said...

Definitely sounds like Kidney Boy needs to grow up. First he needs to knock off the thrash metal music. Listen to something that doesn't rot your mind and your soul. Or at the very least, play it at a reasonable volume, i.e., not so loud that the whole neighborhood can hear it. Maybe he thinks that if he can get his kidneys transplanted he can get a cochlea transplant?

I say good for you for chewing the overgrown brat out for disturbing the peace. He has probably never had anyone tell him "no" or "knock it off" before. He probably doesn't realize that there are other sentient lifeforms in the world besides him.