You gotta read the title like Forrest Gump. Remember, in the movie, he talks about his scoliosis-correcting leg braces and shoes? And Mama said they was his magic shoes? And... oh never mind. Anyway.
Punky's four month check-up was yesterday and my kid continues to grow at monstrous rates that continue to turn her into a huge freak of nature. Okay, my kid isn't a freak of nature. She's absolutely adorable and 100% healthy, which hey, rock on. But the current stats are now:
- 17 lbs., 8 oz. (up from 15 lbs., 3 oz. last month) = 100th percentile in weight
- 26.5" long (up from 25.5 last month) = 98th percentile in length
- 16.5" head diameter. I don't know what percentile that is, they didn't tell us. I'm just glad I didn't have to push it out of my bagingo.

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