Since I had not one but two rousing rounds with The Plague in the past month and a half, I've lost quite a bit of weight. I didn't really notice it until I looked at pictures from our zoo trip on my birthday last week:
I'm looking a bit gaunt. And it looks hot, I'll say it. (And OMG *gasp*, an elusive How2 pic... it's okay, you can't see my face.)
I've always been leaning toward the tall and lanky side thanks to amazing genetics, but I think this is a new record in the skinny bitch dept. I'm still working to get my appetite back from the aftermath of The Plague, but ya know, I really kinda dig the new weight, whatever it is. (I'm not allowed to have scales in the house... as someone who's battled with weight/body image issues, I will weigh myself every hour on the hour if there is a scale in this house. So we don't own one.)
I know I keep talking about running a half-marathon, or a sprint-triathlon, or I don't know, getting off my ass, but this time I mean it. I really kinda want to maintain this weight without getting some virus that has me pleading with my husband to mercy-kill me. We have a treadmill in the basement I haven't touched in, oh, say a year. And it's beautiful out; the evening weather is perfect for running.
Then I start thinking about taking Punky running with me, because wouldn't that just be something, me, jogging along all MILFy like? But then that requires me to get a jogging stroller, and that's just an added expense on something I have a sneaking suspicion will turn out like the treadmill. But you just can't go jogging with a baby in a regular stroller, because then you just look like you're intentionally running away from something.
I mean really, think about it. You see a woman running down the sidewalk pushing a baby in just a run-of-the-mill stroller? Your first instinct is to look behind her and see if there is a rapist or a monster behind her. You see a woman running with one of those three-wheeled, sleek jogging strollers? You think, Hey, she's really in shape!
And let's face it, once I start running, I'll have to keep it up so A. doesn't accuse me again of "never following through"... and there's also the simple fact that running sucks. Running really sucks. I'm sorry. I know people do marathons like I drink (as in, they do it to function), and I had friends who ran cross country in high school and college, but ya know, I think these people are, for lack of a better word, stupid. Running sucks, it's boring, there's nothing fun about it. I lost all interest in running a half-marathon, not because it seemed hard, but because running 13.1 miles would bore the living shit out of me. I would detour off after like half a mile, or whenever I found a pub or bar. Because seriously. Fuck that shit.
So basically, in the course of this blog post, you've witnessed me go from "YEAH! Skinny is AWESOME!" to "Enh, fuck it. I'm going to go get a martini." Which is a good mindset to have, because it's 9:45 am and I still haven't had a glass of wine yet.
ETA: Problem solved.
1 hour ago
I have been thin my whole life. Which is strange because I came out of a woman who was over 300 pounds. I eat McDonalds on a regular basis, never watch what I eat. I eat when I'm bored. I sit on my ass a lot when I'm at home and at school. I work. I rarely walk anywhere anymore because I have a car. I guess at work I'm never sitting but still. My weight just doesn't fluctuate. I have the metabolism of a god.
Although sometimes I wish I could force myself to work out. I've tried getting into the routine and I fail. So I hope whatever you decide you'll stick with it. Have fun!
Oh man. I used to run. Not terribly far, but you nailed it on why I stopped - SO BORING. And tiring. Know what is fun and moderately energy-expending? Dance classes, or just dancing at home, too.
I tried running, it lasted like a month. I stopped one weekend and then it was all over. Running does suck. I would love to say one day that ran a 5K or completed a TRI but I just have better things to do.
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