HGTV is full of shit.
No matter how cheery the designers act, and no matter how much "ordinary people/couples" bond over home decorating, it's all a big crock of shit. LIES. A and I have been in the process of redecorating our kitchen bit by bit this summer, and the past week has been spent repainting the cabinets.
Twice. Because I hated the colors and the texture of the cabinets the first time we painted them.
We were painting on the back deck and found ourselves bonding over the fact that we both really hated painting, and that we were totally over the project. That, and we both agreed that the whole thing would be more tolerable if we could get... well, the way we used to get together before Punky came into the picture.
What followed would have made Tom Sawyer envious.
All the politicians bickering over energy resources are clearly going in the wrong direction, because I have discovered that the greatest undiscovered labor and energy resource is stoners. A cautionary tale, ladies, to marrying a semi-retired punk rocker: you will frequently have stoners just randomly popping over at your house. I really don't have a problem with them. A's friends are all good guys -- albeit mildly brain damaged at this point -- and would do absolutely anything for us. They adore Punky and keep A sane.
So somehow we convinced his friends to come over, and when they arrived, there we were on the back deck, painting. (Still.) With a few promises of "Dude, I'm so high off the paint fumes!" we magically had two stoners furiously painting our cabinet doors (and since most of them also spent more than their fair share in tattoo shops and graffiti-ing things, they're pretty good at staying in the lines).
Stoner labor. It's cheap, it's funny, and it's effective.
My cabinets look awesome.
2 hours ago
That's freakin' hilarious. Now you have a strategy for future projects. Just pay them in munchies and your whole place could be redecorated in no time!
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