My freshman year of high school, I ran on the track team. I only really joined the team because 1.) I thought it might boost my popularity (wrong), and 2.) my parents were pressuring me to do it. So I joined the team and hated it because I've never seen the point of running for the sake of running.
My friend Sara joined the team with me, and if ever there was someone with LESS athletic talent than I, it was she. She and I would run together at the back of the pack, slowly and complaining about how much we hated track, how it wasn't fun, how we didn't see the point of this stupid sport, and how much we wished we could quit.
Then Sara quit track about halfway through the season and just like that, my running buddy was gone. It was just me, surrounded by all these people who actually liked track, and looked down on me for my slacker attitude and my absolute disdain for the whole damn thing. For fear of incurring even more wrath from the track maniacs, I sucked it up and stayed on the team and kept running, but every time I went to practice, I secretly envied Sara for quitting, and stared longingly at the gate every time I jogged past it, fantasizing about jogging out the open gate and going home and never going to another track practice ever again.
This is exactly how I feel about breastfeeding at this point. Now that Shaken Mama has all but abandoned breastfeeding, I feel like I'm the last mama standing, amidst all the crazy La Lache League breastfeeding nazi mothers who look at me like I just punched a puppy when I say, "Ya know... breastfeeding sort of sucks, and I don't really want to do it anymore."
Punky is transitioning to solids well, but Boob is still a major staple of the diet. She does cereal and Boob for breakfast, a jar of veggies and boob for lunch and then the same for dinner. There's usually a Boob snack in there after her afternoon nap, and good-night Boob just before bed. She was waking up once at night, usually around 3 or 4 a.m., for late night Boob, but the past two nights she has successfully slept 8:30 p.m. to about 9 a.m. STRAIGHT. I don't know what the deal with that is, but ever the pessimist, I'm fearing it's temporary.
But anyway. I really don't like breastfeeding, and now that Shaken Mama has quit the team, I really don't see much point in hanging around. Misery loves company and my misery's company has bailed.
And damnit Daddy, I don't want to run track anymore!
2 hours ago
Oh my god I'm going to be pilloried by lactivists!!! Breast is best!! Up with boobs!
Or whatever, formula has more iron, and I don't CARE if she bites a bottle.
I couldn't help myself. Sorry for the essay. I just totally know where you are coming from and I wanted to share my experience . . .
Some nerdy info (mainly for the PP):
Exclusively breastfed babies do not need iron supplements because human milk contains iron and lactoferrin. Iron absorption from human milk is more efficient than that of formula. Absorption from human milk is 49 percent of available iron, whereas iron in fortified formula only has four percent absorbed. In human milk there are higher levels of vitamin C and lactose, which aid in the absorption of iron.
Whenever I felt annoyed and inconvenienced by breastfeeding, I asked myself what I was trying to solve by stopping. Usually weaning wasn't going to be the answer.
Nursing is more than feeding . . . it is a great tool to use to comfort your infant (especially when they are sick or teething) and it is wonderful to know that when you are out and about, that there is a quick, warm snack always ready to go. I was so thankful to be nursing when my little one had her first stomach flu and couldn't keep anything down and when she had a fever after her shots.
I completely understand that breastfeeding is a sacrifice, but you are doing such an amazing job and this is really such a small chunk of time in the grand scheme.
Obviously only you know what is best for your family, but I encourage you to read Dr. Sears. He has great advice about the importance of breastfeeding for both mother and child. Also, has great info about the weaning process if you decide to go that route.
Finally, with the rising cost of gas and food, why pay for milk when you can get it for free.
Keep us updated!
you aren't all alone on the breastfeeding side.
i'm still breastfeeding.
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