Yeah, I'm not exactly the most "regular" blogger in the blogosphere to begin with, but even I am disappointed in my recent disappearance from the blogger dashboard. Sorry kids. I have a few things in "drafts" that I get about halfway through and decide, "You know what? This sucks, and it isn't funny," and then move on to do more important things, like bitch over at Bitter Waitress and fill out MySpace surveys. I'm sorry. I suck.
I'll start up again soon, pending I live through Christmas. Christmas always stresses me out, most likely because I've never really been filled with Christmas joy to begin with. So faking it is one thing, but faking it despite the usual holiday stresses is even harder, especially when you're a hormonal, emotional train wreck like me lately. I'm still in the middle of trying to finish up the baby's room -- we've got that painted and now it's a matter of setting everything up. I'll post pictures once it's finished, but in the meantime my goal was to have it finished before Christmas. I don't see that happening anymore, but at least we have finished painting the room and clearing out the majority of the random crap sitting in there (it's been the second bedroom/crap storage room for years). It's just a matter of getting everything set up, but seeing as a lot of the furniture probably won't happen until Christmas as gifts, there's just bags and baskets and boxes of things just hanging out in there.
I pray to Vishnu and whatever pagan gods that this kid is not early, because I have the feeling we're going to be cutting it close as far as finishing up the nursery.
Other than that, it's just a whirlwind of shopping for Christmas presents and working my ass off to afford said presents and still pay off the bills I've got hanging over my head. The whole "grown-up" thing is overrated. I have not begun shopping yet, but at this rate it's a matter of actually getting a day off work and having money in the bank account to do it. Not such an easy combination. Like I said... the grown-up thing? Totally overrated.
So, that being said, sorry I haven't been around lately... but trust me, all of the aforementioned experiences are making me extra bitter and cranky, so expect me to be back in a big way once I get around to it!
56 minutes ago
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