What are your middle names?
A's is Aaron. Mine is my grandmother's name, and that's all you need to know.
How long have you been together?
TOGETHER together, like a couple? Almost 2.5 years. We started dating in November 2006, and we were married 11 months later. (It doesn't count as a shotgun wedding if you're on the other side of the country from said shotgun, right?)
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A few years. We worked together at Old Navy for awhile and were just friends (and flirt buddies) for awhile. Then we both quit Old Navy and full out of touch for awhile, and we rekindled our interest in one other after running into each other at a strip club on Midget Stripper Night. I know, we're so romantic.
Who asked whom out?
He asked me. He so asked me. Can you blame him? I'm adorable.
How old are each of you?
I'm 23. A's 29 and a dirty old man.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Um, that's a toss up. Probably mine, but the most interaction is with A's brother and sister, since my brother is 18 and too cool to acknowledge me, let alone engage us in conversation that doesn't involve the phrase, "Hey, can you pick me up a case of beer?"
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Finances, currently. I would say parenthood, but we seem to kick parenthood's ass together.
Did you go to the same school?
We went to the same college but not at the same time, and I graduated, A. did not.
Are you from the same home town?
Nope. I am from Ohio, making me, by nature, a superior being.
Who is smarter?
I don't know. It depends what you're talking about. I'm smarter with words and shit. He's smarter with... I don't know, money things. Me girl, me no understand moneys.
Who is the most sensitive?
Probably me, but he can be a gigantic sopping vagina some days. I'm the one that randomly calls old women "pathetic failures at life" at Wal-Mart, so really, it's probably a toss up.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We actually rarely eat out. It used to be BW3's, back before we had a child. Now I guess Steak 'N Shake, maybe? I don't even know. We aren't exactly the kind of people who should be out in public. You know the stuff I write about on my blog? Yeah, I talk about that in public. And I have issues moderating the volume of my voice.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Las Vegas.
Who has the craziest exes?
I think we both have our fair share of nutters, though his ex did leave a four-page-long menacing letter on my car in the early days of dating, and showed up on his doorstep telling him she was pregnant and that it was his. (It wasn't, there was no way it could've been and he has scientific lab tests to prove it.) Yeah... ya know, I think he wins this one.
Who has the worst temper?
We both have insane tempers, though I'm much more apt to go off on people in public, he's more apt to be an asshole to me in private.
Who does the cooking?
I do the majority of it, though he is known to cook on occasion.
Who is the neat-freak?
Oh Christ, that's me. Let me tell you about the first time I came to A.'s house -- he kept the lights off so I wouldn't see the house. Once he got comfortable enough to turn them on, we had a huge poster of Hank Williams taped on the wall (the only wall decoration), a stack of tires in the middle of the living room, ash trays filled with cigarettes everyfuckingwhere (God I'm glad he quit smoking), everything in the house was sticky, and a print-out picture of Jeff Goldblum positioned to watch you on the toilet in the bathroom. It was bad. I've been living here for 1.5 years now and I'm still working on it.
Who is more stubborn?
We are both stubborn but I usually give in because while I'm stubborn, I'm much more laid back and just don't care. I know in the long run I'll get my way. Isn't that how being a wife works?
Who hogs the bed?
I can, but A is much more persistent about it. I can at least be coaxed back to my side of the bed, though it sucks sharing a full-sized bed. Really. It does. A lot.
Who wakes up earlier?
A., usually, but only by about half an hour. We're both capable of sleeping til 2, 3 in the afternoon if we're left alone. Damn children.
Where was your first date?
We went and saw Borat in the theater and had IHOP afterwards, where over dinner I discussed with him how I got E.Coli at my last job. Yeah, I'm slick and socially aware.
Who is more jealous?
Him. Totally him. The notion of him cheating on me makes me giggle at the absurdity.
How long did it take to get serious?
Considering we got married less than a year after we started dating... or that we were more or less living together within a month (I was paying $500 a month for an apartment that was more or less a storage unit)... not long.
Who eats more?
A. The end. A.
Who does the laundry?
95% of the time, me. But A. can do a load when the need really arises. And I offer promises of Blow J's.
Who’s better with the computer?
Me, just because I am supreme being of this household.
Who drives when you are together?
Majority of the time, me, because if we're together, it means Punky is with us, and that means we take my car. And I hate listening to him bitch about how much he hates driving my car. So I drive for the sake of shutting him up.